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Saturday, July 09, 2005

Pat almost drowns in the Atlantic

When we were in the Cornwall area of England...

We stopped at a beach, I can't remember the name but we were told to wait there for our tour manager to show up in a few hours. It was a wonderful place with giant waves, lots of surfers, bathers and lucky for Pat, lots of life gaurds.

Pat and Wes ventured out into the surf. The spent most of their time between the wrong flags. You see, bathers are to stay between one set of flags and Surfers between another. They were in the surfer area.

At one point they came in and Wes demanded that I follow them out into the deep water. The water was freezing cold and I couldn't take it. Also the power of the waves was so strong that I feared I wouldn't make it back. Well, I went back to the beach and sat with Sean, watching the surfers. After sometime I notice a very tired Wes coming into the beach. No Pat. I said, were is Pat? He was looking back into the Ocean, I don't know, I barely made it in myslef. Well, after several minutes of no Pat I started walking into the water, yelling for him but couldn't see him. Wes then pointed to the Lifegaurd raft was out beyond the surfers.

As the boat sped in I could see two hands rasied with the sign of the goat horns, it was indeed PAT! They had snatched him from the sea just before going under. He would like to thank the surfers who helped him and the people who sped to his rescue.

That night he helped a young man earn the title of town coaster flipping champion in a local pub. Thanks for everything!


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